Sunday, November 7, 2010

Yay Delta!

Posting this from the Amsterdam airport at 7:01 am on the 8th--just after midnight for Fargo folks. I wanted to give KUDOS to Delta for the wonderful woman who checked eight bags through to Nairobi. Travelers are allowed 2 bags free and 3-10 bags at $200 each. An additional $175 for bags over 50 lbs. I showed her our ASAH certificate of registration as an NGO with the Government of Southern Sudan and she checked in all bags for free. She put HEAVY tags on the heavy bags. We weighed them on Norm's office scale--not exactly a digital scale--and obviously not entirely accurate. I leave for Nairobi in a few hours. AIM Air (African Inland Missions) and I have been communicating for weeks--the communication has been slow and frustration--turns out much of my mail has gone to their SPAM--but not all--so they want me to Reply All even when only one person has written to me--finance, or scheduling, or freight!!! They're getting me a GOSS visa--and asked me to send photos--which I dutifully got at the post office--and scanned. NOT okay. They want digitals! I didn't bring my hard drive with all my photos--but I had my facebook photos in jpgs on my desktop--hope one of those will work. TIA. This is Africa. But somehow it always works out.

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